Sunday, 15 April 2007

Brenda Bly...

...Teen Detective! Rehearsal went really well, was boiling in the hall
Forgot to take my camera so no photos!
Had 'mug shots' taken by Spreadbury.
Had to be a 'child-star' haha! I can't even begin to describe the poses.
Was great fun! Especially Yoshi slipping the 'TOP SECRET' blueprints into her bag hehe!
Felt really nervous and not really sure why - maybe because we haven't had a rehearsal for 2 weeks?
No Annie. Had to Van Strander it up with PAT and Sinead instead. Thankyou guys :]
(Well, girls acting as guys!)
Felt good to be out of the house for a while, but *sigh* now I'm back, and posting before my computer gets packed up!
Then I wont have it for a long while...

I have resorted to eating the last viscount biscuit, because there is no food in the house!
Grr I din't know moving could be so stressful...
...says me,
sitting here on the computer...

But only because the parents aren't here!
I'm surprised I haven't fallen asleep

Spoke to soon - they're back

Byebye Gypsy Close...
Byebye computer until we move...

Hello Hillside Bunglow!

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