Sunday, 22 April 2007

Settled in. Settled Out.

We're settled in now!
Feels kind of strange, even though we've been here for almost a week...
I keep thinking that maybe we will return back to our old house, as if it were some kind of holiday...
not happenening though!
Feels weird riding past our old road on my moped.
But it feels like home here.
It's gorgeous sitting at the back of the paddock and just watching the sun set, fading from dark blue to orange against the silhouette of the trees :)
Drama exam went pretty well on Wednesday, had the audience crying!
Huge hugs all round to KT and Find Me crew. No hugs for Gower. She told us 3 hours before the exam that we had to cut another 15 minutes!! Grr.
To sum up this week: Absolute s***. Was told yesterday that Sue is leaving theatretrain. I actually broke down crying that evening. Ask Angy and Yaz - they were there! I don't want Sue to leave, she's been like a second mother. And to think all this time I never knew...
Next week is going to be the worst week ever for me. Brenda Bly = Over. Wizard of Oz = Over. Sue = Gone. Coursework and Exams = Closer. Lessons = more stressful. Family = the same. Need I say anymore?
I'll miss you Sue
"Shuuuuut UUUUUP!!" << will NEVER forget that!
Off to make a card...

1 comment:

Glindonine Thenardiland said...

Oh sweetie it'll be great...

YOU were great!!!! Annoyingly.

hahahaha my ma didn't make the connection between fabulous charlie van strander charlie and charlie on the scooter charlie.

GO KT!!!!