Monday, 11 June 2007

All Over :(

The shows are over!

Was freakin' hard work. But did love them! I was shitting myself Friday. Well, not so much shiting myself but just freaking out because I didn't want to get it wrong and put all of the unwanted attention on me!

But I didn't get it wrong and actually, after Friday, didn't even think about what I was doing onstage just sort of got out there and did it, and really enjoyed it!

Quick change was hilarious with a capital PAT!

Me: *runs offstage to Angy to get out of costume and into another* Alex: *beckoning me over* Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte!! Me: *frantically stripping* Alex: Don't worry you've got pleeeenty of time, yo9u're not on for ageeees yet Me: *Still frantically stripping* Alex: Quick quick quick quick quick! ...Don't worry don't panic you've got ages yet, don't worry.... quick quick quick quick quick!

I was pissing myself! Haha so funny :']

Got some good piccies back in the teenytiny changing room that we had to squish about 12 people in! Probably more as it happens.
Terry you make me LAUGH! And Marv I haven't known you for long but it will be soooo strange without you! :(

Congrats to everyone in the show!
And ESPECIALLY everyone in the Irish Ballet and Tap. Me and Angy were mesmorised... we ran to the catwalks everytime it was on, and even got the priviledge to see it from both sides!
Amazing, was visually astounding!
And thanks Alex for giving us a lift home!
Was a lot of fun
Now... back to technique work!

1 comment:

Glindonine Thenardiland said...

Oh I'm glad they went ok!!!! Bad Idea Bears go YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!