Sunday, 29 April 2007

No more...

...Sue :'(

She has departed and I can't actually stand the thought that she isn't going to be there next week.

I did get the honour of giving her her flowers on stage at the end though, which was really nice.
Got the most adorable text from Carlyss - love that girl! > really cheered up my evening, so if you're reading this... thanks so much!

"Finally someone is making some sense"
Show went really well despite being wrapped in tin foil for the first time, 2 minutes before we were due on stage!
"Members of theatretrain this is your 2 minute call"
"SHIT! Quick wrap her up, tape her there, stick your arms in the air, bend your knee as far as it can go"
*wrap wrap wrap*
"no no not that fast! slower!"

>> There's me spinning in the green room, Beckie wrapping foil round my tummy and Carlyss randomnly sticking odd bits of Sellotape to my legs! sooo funny, if only I had a video... <<

A Tin Man Munchkin in a witches cloak. The best character you will ever find on stage!
I was falling apart.. "oh look im losing my shine!" I was malting on stage... that was interesting. Having never been wrapped in foil before in my life... and GOD did i sweat! eugh.
So much fun though! Really sad its over :'(

Michelle... we did it justice!

And now next week begins... (in about 45 minutes when it hits midnight!)
Great... spanish conversation lesson tomorrow... joyyyy...
And PE... joy...
and... hmpf.

Night all!

Pics to come of Brenda Bly!
Quote of the day:
"And here's your hat!!"
(Charlotte beneath the blue sheet at the theatre haha!!)

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Brenda Bly

First show went off without a hitch!!
It was fantastic
Adrenalin still running through me
Songs went fine,
getting compliments all round!

Love it!

Huuuuuuge hugs all round to the entire cast who have worked so hard on this production, and also to the band, the techies and the crew who we couldn't have even attempted to do it without!

Have had a fantastic night.
Would have been better if Nick wasn't there.
Autumn, go sort her out for me would you?
Still depressed but stuff like this lifts your mood a lot!

Worked hard on the display today (and yesterday too)
Well done everyone!
Break a leg tomorrow

I'll cry on saturday, when it's all over....
Argh don't mention it!

Monday, 23 April 2007

Five Words

Life isn't so beautiful anymore.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Settled in. Settled Out.

We're settled in now!
Feels kind of strange, even though we've been here for almost a week...
I keep thinking that maybe we will return back to our old house, as if it were some kind of holiday...
not happenening though!
Feels weird riding past our old road on my moped.
But it feels like home here.
It's gorgeous sitting at the back of the paddock and just watching the sun set, fading from dark blue to orange against the silhouette of the trees :)
Drama exam went pretty well on Wednesday, had the audience crying!
Huge hugs all round to KT and Find Me crew. No hugs for Gower. She told us 3 hours before the exam that we had to cut another 15 minutes!! Grr.
To sum up this week: Absolute s***. Was told yesterday that Sue is leaving theatretrain. I actually broke down crying that evening. Ask Angy and Yaz - they were there! I don't want Sue to leave, she's been like a second mother. And to think all this time I never knew...
Next week is going to be the worst week ever for me. Brenda Bly = Over. Wizard of Oz = Over. Sue = Gone. Coursework and Exams = Closer. Lessons = more stressful. Family = the same. Need I say anymore?
I'll miss you Sue
"Shuuuuut UUUUUP!!" << will NEVER forget that!
Off to make a card...

Monday, 16 April 2007

Oh dear...

Drama exam.
It's 20 minutes too long.
The examiner stops marking after an hour.
We're not allowed to cut any more.
Slideshow = out the window.
Speeding up the entire thing = in the window.
Need I say anymore?
we're screwed.
Not to mention that we messed up the order today.
And got no help whatsoever from Gower.
Just criticism criticism criticism.
Yay for us.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Dancing yee

Saw this and it made me smile :)
It's like four little tin men dancing with each other

Brenda Bly...

...Teen Detective! Rehearsal went really well, was boiling in the hall
Forgot to take my camera so no photos!
Had 'mug shots' taken by Spreadbury.
Had to be a 'child-star' haha! I can't even begin to describe the poses.
Was great fun! Especially Yoshi slipping the 'TOP SECRET' blueprints into her bag hehe!
Felt really nervous and not really sure why - maybe because we haven't had a rehearsal for 2 weeks?
No Annie. Had to Van Strander it up with PAT and Sinead instead. Thankyou guys :]
(Well, girls acting as guys!)
Felt good to be out of the house for a while, but *sigh* now I'm back, and posting before my computer gets packed up!
Then I wont have it for a long while...

I have resorted to eating the last viscount biscuit, because there is no food in the house!
Grr I din't know moving could be so stressful...
...says me,
sitting here on the computer...

But only because the parents aren't here!
I'm surprised I haven't fallen asleep

Spoke to soon - they're back

Byebye Gypsy Close...
Byebye computer until we move...

Hello Hillside Bunglow!

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Break it

they say that breaking a mirror brings you seven days bad luck i think i just had my first day of it its not fair that nobody understands you family at least they should have some consideration for other members of that familys feelings the restaurant should have exploded tonight and a certain somebody should have been swallowed up by the ground.

Funny how having no punctuation increases the tension and speed of a paragraph. Brilliant. That's how it should be.

Avenue Q

Today has been pretty good!
Was woken by a phone call saying I had to be home within the hour or the drama stops because room was a tip. Is a tip. Will be a tip! Well we are in the middle of moving :]
Been for a dip
dip dip
and met Rudy the springer spaniel
he's so hyper i love him to bits!
took him for a walk
he kept tugging on the lead
excitable :o]
Brenda Bly tomorrow!
Yesterday went to see Avenue Q
It was so cleverly created and put together.
Special commendment to the people below, who really made the show fantastic with their puppet multi-rolling
[not my pictures - illegal to take pictures of them during performance!]

Julie Atherton as Kate Monster/Lucy

Jon Robyns as Princeton/Rod[left] and Simon Lipkin as Nicky/Trekkie Monster [right]
I'm going to marry them both

Clare Foster as Mrs Thistletwat/Bear, and Simon again.

Stitches the whole way through!
Stayed round PATS house
Ate PATdonalds
in about half a minute!
Went in
got our tickets ripped
bought 2 programmes
and enjoyed!

Well for Friday 13th I had a pretty lucky day! I got a free train ticket and everything - saved me £13.50!

But then today I cracked my mirror...

That's the price you have to pay I guess.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Just a quickie

Quick update...
Just found this hilarious picture of the pigs!


Calippo: 86p
Malteser's Icecream: £1.24
The look on these two sillie's faces: Priceless.

Kung Fu - only natural.

Rewind! Right now where's the play button...

To skate...

Nah... I'll just surf! Who needs a surfboard?!

Ignore Matthew and the frisbee...just look at Nick in the background!!
Hilarious :']
Thanks for a great day!

Who Will Win...

Enjoyed a game of Monopoly - the gambler won!
Grr. Could have won, had the money half way through!
Then Nick rolls the frisbee like cheese...
"what is that? That's like rolling cheese!"

Sky Sky Blue...

Ah we seep into the early hours of the next day...
What will it bring us?
Yesterdays weather? gorgeous.

Sat down with mum in the kitchen and wrote my
Senior Student letter.
Fingers crossed! I've already got 4 5's, I know that much!
Such a lovely lazy day :)

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

The guineas...

My babies<3
I do love them loads!
But, no joke...

This is how he sleeps on my lap!
Hence why he is called baby :]

Garden sunshine...

Out to enjoy a bit of garden sunshine...

Enjoying yummy yellow icelolly. Can't beat yellow!
Ahh happy sun :)

Photo Fun

There's nothing better than 3 amazing friends, one snazzy camera and an evening to spare...
Put the 3 together and what do you get?

Eat Your Heart Out

Rise and shine sleepy-head!

A teeny bit late in the day. Oops.
My fault for not getting enough sleep. Well, going to bed really late. And getting up at 5am for a drink.
Not good to waste the day!
La la laaa going to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.
Perfect picture-taking opportunity :)
Smile for the camera! :D your heart out <3

Tuesday, 10 April 2007


In a sense, I do just want to go back and relive my life.

But not as it was.


I had such a good childhood, that all changed in secondary school.

Why was life bittersweet?

I had the best holidays back then.

One of the best holidays, by far, was Japan.
The people were really nice, I had such a great

I needed that change of scenery!
I had sparklers on my birthday, and they bought out a personalised cake for me in the restaurant!

The children in the school were so sweet, and served us lunch :]

I'd give anything to go back and redo the whole trip as it was. Tempura<3

Heather haven't seen you in ages. Hope you're well!
Shame my Mum and Dad wont take me back out.
I'll have to drag somebody else!
Mika I miss you, and the onigiri boys!<3>
Sinead and Becky, you'll know what I'm on about!

The school was 10 stories high, and to see the sky in Japan, you have to look >right< up!
Its amazing, I definately recommend it!

I want to travel to more amazing places :]
Any suggestions, send them my way!

I've already got a few hundred in my mind...

A Continuation...

Yep, pretty scared about our drama exam coming up in 8 days!

Kindertransport :]

Best of luck to the rest of the KT group and to Find Me

Here's us outside the KT memorial at Liverpool Street!

This day was great and I'm never going to forget it! - PAT!

PAT the principle at ALRA. So funny! She says 'right follow me I'll walk slow you can all keep up' and Lucie says

'Yes...PAT!' It was so funny! And from that day PAT has played a great deal in our lives. Too many examples!

Bank = PAT. When in doubt just shout PAT!

It's the best stress buster :]

Didn't really get a good vibe from ALRA - And then about a week later i found out it used to be a mental institution. Carlyss, no wonder you didn't go there.

Still need to get hold of cardboard boxes and a strainer... ahh help!

A New Beginning...

Every blog has to start somewhere, and this is the start of mine!
Inspired by Simone :] Who I haven't seen for years!

A bit about me:

This is me on the left :]

Studying English, Theatre Studies and Spanish at
Presdales Sixth Form in Ware!
It's great fun :]
Everybody else hates it, but I love it to pieces.
Didn't want to break up for Easter!
I'm 16 and live in Great Amwell
but I'm moving to the other end of the village in a weeks time!
Exciting stuff :] Love a bit of adventure me.

I really want to go to uni/drama college and study Musical Theatre, or just straight Acting
It's so much fun and its really what I want to do in life
I think people are stupid if they just want to be famous
To be honest, thats just an added bonus!
I want to be on stage because that's where I belong.
Ask anyone! They'll all tell you I'm obsessed.
I love to go see shows in the West End
Favourites have to be Wicked, We Will Rock You and Woman in Black
Not to mention all of the others!
Good luck beating Kerry Ellis as Elfie!

I love all of my friends to pieces
Big shoutout to my best friend in the whole world




I absolutely LOVE the school play we're doing - Brenda Bly: Teen Detective.
I'm playing Miss Vera Van Strander
The BEST character in the whole show.
Songs are amazing :]
"For God Sake's Someone Kill Me!"
Its all over in about 3 weeks.
I will cry.
Come and see it! Come and laugh at me hehe!
26th 27th 28th April ticket £5.50 in the school hall!