Thursday, 31 May 2007

Want to write a duet

As it says on the label
Any ideas?
I hate my parents.
They've just screwed at me because, apparently, "I don't tell them anything"
This time regarding the show
And now they have to look for a place for Nick to stay because they've stupidly booked flights to Spain for them 2 without checking to see if I was around or not.
I've already told them I have shows next week, but they just don't give a damn about what I do, no wonder they forgot. They just claimed I never even told them in the first place which is a complete lie.
I want to run away!
Anyone fancy coming with me?
Actually sod that I'll go it alone

Says it all really

You know, it wouldn't hurt to blink an eye at me.
I won't bite if you start a conversation, I promise.


Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Phantom of the Opera


Favourite parts, had to be the chandelier swinging above the audience... even though you can't really class it as a 'part' but it doesn't matter! Had the whole audience craning their necks up at the ceiling of Her Majesty's. The other part I absolutely loved was when the Phantom took Christine on the boat. It was amazing sitting at the front because all of the smoke just flooded into the front row. I sat up and about a thousand candles met my eye, it was fantastic!

Made me shed a tear :]
In my left eye, to be precise!

Main roles were faultless, and the ballet was amazing!
Would gladly go and see it again! Hint/hint/hint. Hehe jokes.
"The Phantom of The Opera is there, inside my mind"
And yes, I want Meg's red ballet shoes!

I've only got boring pink ones...
And mine have no ribbon! :(

Show next week... YIKES.

"Sing once again with me, our strange duet"
I wish I could do pointe work! Might get signed up for some classes...
Along with tap...
hehe, bye bye piano lessons!


Funny on the way home!
Had this huge conversation and jokes and everything about... well, everything and anything! From acting using only your arms to, well, Gower. As always.

"2ft 3, in a safari!"
And the woman who said to us "has anybody got a phone the same as this one, because my battery has just run out"

So we said 'no, sorry we don't'
>Well... she was a policewoman! LOL.<

Soooo funny when Lucie told me! Apparently she got told off for being on the train too late!
Haha funny, considering she was sitting behind us the whole time, listening in on our conversation so she said to Lucie!
And then tried to have a conversation with Lucie about Phantom... and she didn't even know what it was!
And then realised, and started talking about some dude being in it, and then she realised she was talking about 1989!
She shouldn't be allowed to be a policewoman! Not if she's, what, 18 years behind?!

Went into Hitchin today with Nick. It. Grr, well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!
Well, to be fair she was OK during the day because we met up with Nan

Had some chips, went to Starbucks (YUM - ask anybody, they will tell you I'm crazy over Starbucks - I had my hazelnut hot choccie, I'm happy!)
Then Nick kept annoying Nan all the time over £4 and I was like ffs Nick shut up and leave Nan alone for crying out loud! Went on for about 40 minutes... GRR.

And then Nick got a Bradley the Bath Store Whale! And called it Buddy. My name suggestion hahaha. :o)

We had a mooch round the shops in the rain, and got my ballet shoes. Finally, a pair that fit!

And then the sun decided to shine... as the shops were shutting. So nan hopped on the bus and me and Nick strolled back to the station, and this time didn't have to wait 50 minutes for the train! (Like on the way here)

Was, overall, a good day!

And, oh yep. Nick did piss me off, when we got home.

Have had our computers moved into the hallway, and when we moved house, Nick piked my speakers and now, apparently, they're 'hers'.

Err, no they're not, FREAK. Just because you stole them doesn't make them yours.And then she tried to explain the situation to Dad which was hilarious because she couldn't win!

Stupid dumb fake blonde.
Stop dressing like a bloke, please! It's embarassing. Really. Really really.

We got bored at the station and so had some Yazoo. Random piece of information there that you didn't need to know :)

Yum We <3 Yazoo!

That's all for now.
Check back later!

Wait a minute... ok, we've had chips and subways for dinner, and Nick is now raiding the pasta... surely not... I'm still stuffed.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Oh oh!

... and we had white wine with out dinner, go us!
Was YUM as well.


Michelle over :D

Had a great night!
We had a good old sing-song to Disney
And a bit of Walk to Remember
And all things in between really!
Oh no, before that it was singing to Emma ...lmao!
"I know how you feel because I'm a singer"
Emma, please, can you fire yourself? You can't sing!
In fact - you're AWFUL! Sooo out of tune, and who is your ridiculous sidekick?!

"Love love me doooo!"


"Draw a heeeeaaarrrt!!"

Ah so funny! I still think we should have posters behind our backs then we can hold them up! Or "Draw a sqqquuuaaaarrree!"

Ah brilliant. I do love my Saturday mornings!

Oh my god yikes I can hear creaking in my house...

Fuuck im scared! Do I keep typing?! Do I run?!

HELP... "I need somebody"

okok >STOP IT< Charlie.

Creaking stopped. *phew*

Made the yummiest dinner tonight! With the help of le chef who goes by the name of Michelle!

Chicken with spicy wedges and pasta with broccolli. Brocolli. Brocoli. Broccoli?

How do you spell it?!

But anyway the pasta and *insert substance beginning with B here* was meant to be the starter but... the chicken and wedges were done first haha so we had the starter afterwards/alongside

Was great! Lets do it again sometime, ooh I know... how about tomorrow?!

Looking forward to it!

Love you!


I don't know where I stand

...and I've got 2 days to figure it out.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Brilliant Evening!

It makes a change to have a good night and not have to worry about what people think of you
Had a great evening!
Did my bit towards Michelle's Thailand trip
I nearly couldn't go but thanks to Mum and dad who lent me some money
Great now I'm in more debt, but I have about £15 to give to Lucie now so that's almost half!
Grr stupid Dad for cutting off ze allowance, I feel really bad...
So sorry PAT! And I still can't over the fact that Mickey ALSO has a GIANT red double decker bus!
That's just amazing...
Anyway back to tonight's story!
Had a good old chat with Michelle, and have now sort of invited myself along to America with her, and skiing!
Oh yes, life is going to get better! Going to be so much fun :D
Love you loads Michelle! You're great

Why did we never even talk before Theatretrain?!
And I still say we make that website...
~"Love love me doooo"~
Ah so funny!
Ted and Dora came to visit today! Gotta love 'em.
Smokey kept chasing them away from the bread, then they quacked at him and started waddling towards him, and Smokey ran away!
It was like something out of Star Wars...
I've never watched Star Wars, so technically I wouldn't know :]

Got an outfit sorted in the end!
My turquoise top with the fabric bow on it
My knee length white skirt
Black leggings
And then finished the outfit with my pink heart earrings (£1 from Primark - bargain!) pearl beady necklace and bracelets to match

And then did my makeup all 60s complete with bright pink lipstick!
It was fun just dressing up if anything!

Had a fantastic night, best night I've had in ages and all I did was dance around in my seat and have a chat, and help tidy up some plates!

And then on the way home I thought it would be funny to drive through all the puddles... on my moped... in the dark... in a white skirt!
Hell yeah, it was worth it!
So much fun :]
So thanks again for a great night

...I wasn't hanging around in a 3!
So I actually had a decent chat with somebody! Amaze.
Ahh we had fun, dancing to all the Beatles songs!
but no "love love me do!"
To be fair... we have heard that song enough already and we're only 4 weeks in! Oh dear...

Fav bit of the dance? The head turn right at the beginning! Haha
And no I can't click with my left fingers!! Can we not just switch the diagonal line round and do it with our right side facing the audience?!

Parents are in Spain.
...Free house!
Up and coming plans?

Tomorrow - Michelle over :D Yeeey!
Monday - somethings happening Monday I can't remember what... oh yeh over Angys with J and Yosh
Tues - PHANTOM<3
Weds - Nics BBQ! Stay away rain please!
Going to be good fun
And got to squeeze in revision there somewhere!
Great day. Favourite place in the world on a Saturday morning, had the house to myself in the afternoon with nobody bugging me, and then a great evening!
So thankyou, I needed that therapy :)


...I'd better be cast, I'm the only one who learnt all their lines!
Well, they picked up on that fact anyhow!
Michelle's 60s party tonight woooo!
Got to find something to wear... ah.
Lets go wash the leggins, they'll do!!

Friday, 25 May 2007

...Who's got a phone call?!

Guess what we did today!
By we, you know I mean me and Angy :]
We didn't leave a message on Spreadburgs phone. Oh no.
Why would we do that? went a little bit like this:
Angy: Errm... Ms. Corbet? Do you have Mrs. Spreadbury's email address.
Corbet: No.
Angy: Errm. Do you know of anyone who might have her email address?
Corbet: *checking watch* I wonder if she's home yet *disappears*
Us: Shit no don't ring her, it's not that important!
Some time later...
Corbet: Hello this is Charlotte Taylor and.. and.. Angharad Jenkins almost leaving a message, but not quite
*hand over phone*
...are you sure you don't want to leave a message girls?
"oh okay then!"
Angy: Hiii Mrs. Spreadbury!
Charlie: We've left a surprise in your office!
Angy: And we've got something to give you! So yeh that'll be nice
Angy: Bye!
And that was it.
And now she has a message on her house phone waiting for her
Oh if Corbet wasn't there... the possibilities!
etc :]
*man sits down on bench with mini creme eggs packet*
..."how do you eat yours?!"
Well, things seem so much funnier when you think somebody's going to return to their office any minute
..."Stick it up, before she comes"
...we had no idea that she was already well on her way home
So we gave her a call. It's probably illegal, but oh well.
But before that we did stick up a mahusive A2 poster.
"stick friends"
"Bob went to the seaside"
"oh dear"
"Dead Lions Go Picking Strawberry Plants"
"Charlie thinks that's an 'e'"
And that was mine and Angys day of fun!
Well we got her pressie to say thankyou as well
Black notebook, personalised by us haha then wrote a note inside :]

Thursday, 24 May 2007

and did I mention...

... got a new car!
2006 Black Corsa SXI+ 1.2
It's gorgeous
I love it! It's my 17th and 18th birthday pressie though...
But it was worth it! Can't wait until I drive
Only about 6 weeks now!
Working down the office for a couple of hours
It's so monotonous!
Dad has no idea I'm sitting here typing out a blog haha!
So stupid...
Gotta be careful
Better run before he catches me!

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

It's crazy

...every time I go to the theatre now I cry, regardless of whether it's happy or not!
Rosy, I just want to say I'm sorry
I can never be the friend you want me to be
The amount of tears I've cried just knowing you are so far away
Probably with amazing friends, at an amazing college
Having an amazing time
You're so lucky you've escaped
You made the right choice, I'll give you that one
I love you loads I hope you know that
I wish it worked the other way too
Went to see Blood Brother's this evening
It's so relevant
Why did it have to end like that?
I was crying at the beginning because I knew what was coming
And then got frikkin told off by Gower for 'messing around'
She said "I don't know who it is but somebody needs to calm down"
"Charlotte, for FUCK sake stop laughing"
Im ALLOWED to laugh in the funny parts thats the whole point
For GOD sakes
Punished for being happy
Didn't last
3 is a number you don't want to be involved with
Mrs. Lyons looked at the Narrator 3 times in one moment...
She is the one with a debt to pay.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

A.. B!

Got a B on my drama mock, highest in the class *looks smug*
I'm joking
But I did do it without my notes and the frikkin' people playing 'Catch a falling star and put it in your frikkin pocket"
GRR me and Loz.. o god, we weren't to be crossed...
Just need to type up my notes now
Got it all planned!
Went to see Kindertransport on Saturday
So sad!
Cried at the end for about 40 minutes afterwards! I was so sad i didn't even talk to anyone!
And then went on a major high! Sinead you make me DIE!
"Do you know what would be really funny..."
And then we had a whole conversation about youknowwho - not naming ANY names incase she googles this! Not that she would... could you imagine her with technology? Guys, come on, I'm still trying to get over the fact that she has a flash drive!
And that's when the conversation developed...
"Could you imagine her as a midget, you know, strolling in at 2ft 3"
"Working in a safari!"
" a bikini..."
There were SO many more!
And FINALLY got the internet back!
Already learnt all my song words for Saturday :)
Go me! Need to try and learn them around my exams...
Talking of exams, had my English this morning.
Overall, not too bad thought I did pretty well! Just tried to cram in terminology here there and everywhere!
"omg a verb - stick it in! ...preposition! In it goes..." etc etc ^-^
Ernest question = on yer bike. So hard!
Pre-release... saw it coming!!
so happy when I actually read the qustion!
Got scribbling...
"Team Together to Tackle the Storm!"
tehehe ^-^
Nice and sunny outside
la la la!
Sitting down at the office, meant to be doing some filing...
Ah well! Sod it!
I'll do it in a minute.
Dad's just waiting for a call back on an almost brand new black corsa! It's SO gorgeous, makes me weak at the knees! It's going to be my present for my 17th AND 18th birthday present though, that's the only thing...
not that bothered because it is the car of my dreams!!
YEEhaw :]
Better go do some filing now...
More amazing stories to come no doubt!
Stay tuned my friends

Monday, 14 May 2007

Quick Update

Had a pretty good/lousy day
Pretty average
Everything was annoying me - just one of those days I think
Found (and stole) Cats piano score haha from Wareham
She'll get it back tomorrow... maybe...
Asked Gower how I did on my drama mock - very well apparently!
Not bad conisdering I didn't have my notes
Dad's now looking at cars for me and taking me driving, woo!
Dancing is draining all my money... the parents don't understand!
Ooo gotta run in a tick... off driving before ballet, woo!
Still need to order a sleeveless leotard and some shoes!
"Oh happy dayyyss"

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Cats and Skittles Milkshakes

Cats was Aaamazing!
I never thought it would be, didn't really know what to expect
I got weird shivers running up and down my spine on Memory
...then me and Michelle and possibly Amber just broke down crying!
"Now THAT is emotion through a song"
Fantastic day!
We then decided afterwards that we are doing Cats for our next show. And Beckie doesn't have a say in the matter!
Well, after our YUMMY skittles flavoured milkshakes, we headed off home and on the train from Liv Street we decided to give Beckie a ring...
"Hi! ...Who's this?"
"Charlie Michelle Amber Beth and Emma, how are you?"
"Oh hi! Fine thanks"
"Beckie we have a proposal for you..."
"A what?"
"A proposal for you"
"Can we do Cats as our next show?"
"... *bad signal*"
*phone line goes dead"
so we decided to text instead!
"Well...what we were trying to say... I'm speaking on behalf of everyone here, can we do Cats as our next show? Amber says: we don't care how hard we have to work because by the end we will feel like we've lived up to al of our dreams :) please say yes! what do you think? text back love charlie amber beth emma and michelle xxxxx"
This was our reply: "Are you staying after royal albert hall them?"
meaning *then* of course.
We text back but had no reply... wonder if that means "maybe" or "NO" hehe :) Worth a try!
It would be so fun just to try and learn all those amazing characteristics and physical theatre bits and pieces not to mention the amazing songs!
Highlights of the day:
"...Who is he as person?! *flicking through the programme trying to find the dude in it"
"...Where'e the guy ith the sexy voice?! *frantically flicks through*"
"Who are you looking for?" > "Errm no-one. Well, someone. Nobody specific." > "Want me to sign that for you?"
And now Amber has piked mine!!
Ah such a good day!
Again sometime girls?

Friday, 11 May 2007

Well well well!

Can't even begin to describe this week
been really weird...
AS's are next week
Started to panic about my spanish oral exam!
Did a drama mock today, 12 pages in 2 hours... go me! I actually did it,
and that was with the stupid percussion group or whatever playing that stupid "catch a falling star and put it in your pocket save it for a rainy day" tune, or something like that.
Me and Loz were like "SHUT THE F*** UP!" then burst out laughing...on countless occasions...
Not bad! I never thought id actually do it!
And still no internet at home, its driving me nuts
Spanish teacher found out I'd been translating everything online haha! Oh well, I just said I didn't have a dictionary at home because we've just moved - which is entirely true!

Earlier this week:
Have been Made a senior drama student :) That'll go nicely on UCAS thankyou!
Went shopping Weds afternoon to get dance stuff, managed to get most of it
Carlyss's birthday on Thurs :) Happy 21st! Hope you had a good day, despite all the work :(
Bought Carlyss's present yesterday - no joke, went round the whole of Stevenage and found a total of 0 suitable items. Soooo got her something a bit different... which I need to do tonight... not going to post it ;)
Saw Crystal and Amber the other day for the first time in ages - so cute! Love my little cousins :)
Crystas hair really suits her, and Amber was whinging because she couldnt make a clay pot
Bless! Then I went home and got cracking on my 6 drama essays. Ooops. Did 3 in 4 hours. Not good seeing as I have to do 6 in 2 hours in the actual exam!
Ah life. Sucks. Sue I can't actually get over the fact that you are never ever going to be teaching us again ever. EVER! Why is nobody else upset?! Hello, don't get it! The amount of hours sleep you've made me lose...
Well there's a simple answer for that - come back!
Looking forward to tomorrow - a week is not enough! And it is going to be so weird without Beth, and Katie, and everyone else who has left! Likewise it'll just be weird if anyone else joins... I can't really imagine it any other way! Had 2 newys last week.
Oh my god... got to get £35 to Beth tomorrow... and pay for travel... going to have to ask Mum for next weeks allowance in advance! <3

Muchos love Amigos

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Go me :]

And go Sinead
And go Nic

Because we got put on the Senior Student list, woo!
Go us!

How on earth I got on the list of 16 people...
Over about 50 people...
I have no idea, and I'm still confused!

Must be my charm ^-^

...if only I had any!

Good day today :)